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单词 矛盾




❶contradictory; conflicting; opposing
❷contradiction;problem; difficulty;inconsistency;tension;friction;conflict
他们两人在闹~。They have fallen out./两位专家的看法是相互~的。The two experts had conflicting views on the matte.or:The views of the two experts on the matter are contradictory./他说的话前后~。He was contradicting himself in wha the said./落后的生产力与日益增长的人民物质和文化需要之间的~。The backward productive force can’t keep up with the growing material and cultural demands of the people./若要取胜,盾可能与剑或矛同样重要。The shield may be as important for victory,as the sword or spear./敌我~ contradictions between ourselves and the enemy/措词~ contradicto in adjecto[拉]/言语~ contradicto in adjecto[拉]/自相~的文字contradiction in terms/互相~的证词contradictory testimony/人民内部~ contradictions (or internal problems) among the people; tensions,frictions or conflict among different groups in society/新时期社会~conflicts of interests in society in the new period/对抗性~ antagonistic contradiction/非对抗性~ nonantagonistic contradiction/自相~ self-contradictory/主要~ principal contradiction/非主要~ nonprincipal contradiction /~的主要方面principal aspect of a contracition/~的非主要方面nonprincipal aspect of a contradiction/~百出riddled with contradictions;a bundle of inconsistencies/~上交pass on difficulties to the leadership (or boss); pass on problems to a higher level instead of solving them;pass on the buck/~的集中点center of contradictions/~尖锐化intensification (or sharpening) of contradictions/~的普遍性universality of contradictions/~的态度inconsistent attitude/~的特殊性particularity of contradictions/~的同一性identity of opposites/~的统一unity of contradictions/~心理ambivalence





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