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单词 瞬息万变

瞬息万变shùn xī wàn biàn

a thousand (/myriad)changes in the twinkling of an eye; be in a state of constant fluctuation; change fast (/quickly/con stantly); highly changeable; rapidly developing/“战争的日子,竟是这样~啊!”她这样想道。(吴强《红日》385)“So this is what wartime is like!” she thought. “A thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye!”/李秘书点着头,十分郑重其事地说道:“不简单,不简单,商业上的情形,真真是~!”(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—289) The official nodded his head. “It’s not simple,” he confirmed with the utmost gravity,“not at all simple. The world of commerce is in a state of constant fluctuation. ”/他知道: “情势~,一切部署都过于忙乱,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》582) He knew that things were changing fast and upsetting all the plans.
❍ 但是,他更深刻地了解,在战争中,情况常常是~的。(杨佩瑾《剑》7) But he knew quite well that things are highly changeable in war time.
❍ 因此,散会以后,他急于了解一下~的有关情况,以便安排下一步的行动。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》543)So he was now in a hurry to brief on the latest developments in this rapidly developing situation. He must plan his next move without delay.
❍ 公债市场~,所以希望是并没断绝;……(茅盾《子夜》191) There was still a ray of hope,though,since there were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the stock exchange; …


everything has changed in the twinkling of the eye (or in a flash);undergo a myriad of changes in an instant
~的国际形势 volatile international situation/~的气候changeable weather

瞬息万变shùn xī wàn biàn

瞬:眨眼;息:呼吸;瞬息:一眨眼一呼吸的时间。比喻时间短促。形容在极短的时间内变化非常快,而且频繁。fast changing, undergoing a myriad changes in the twinkling of an eye, be in a state of flux





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