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(丧失视觉; 失明) become [go; come] blind: 他 ~ 了一只眼。 He is blind of [in] one eye. 他右眼 ~ 了。 He is blind in the right eye. Ⅱ (没有根据地; 没有效果地) blindly; aimlessly; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose: ~ 操心 worry for nothing; ~ 费劲 make a vain effort; ~ 干 go it blind; ~ 花钱 spend money foolishly; ~ 讲 speak groundlessly; ~ 忙活 keep busy to no purpose; work hard for nothing Ⅲ ❶ (丧失视觉的) blind: 盲人骑 ~ 马 a blind person riding a blind horse
❷ [方] (乱) (of thread, etc.) become tangled
◆瞎摆弄 fool around [with]; fool about with; fuck around; 瞎蹦乱跳 be (up) on the scamper; 瞎猜 guess blindly; make a wild guess; a shot in the dark; guess [conjecture] without ground; 瞎扯 talk irresponsibly; talk rubbish; chat aimlessly; talk at random-about anything under the sun; waffle; natter; 瞎吹牛 throw the bull; 瞎搞一通 make a mess of; act without a plan [without proper knowledge]; 瞎话 untruth; lie; 瞎忙 bustle without plan or purpose; 瞎猫碰上死老鼠 A blind cat caught a dead rat.; A dead rat fell into a blind cat's clutches — sheer luck.; 瞎奶 unprotrusive nipple; nipple that gives no milk when sucked; 瞎闹 act senselessly; mess about; fool around; be mischievous; 瞎炮 a blind shell; miss-fire; blown out shot; dud; unexploded dynamite; 瞎碰乱闯 strike out at random; 瞎七搭八 all in confusion; topsy-turvy; 瞎三话四 reckless talk; 瞎鼠 mole rat; zemmi; 瞎说 talk irresponsibly; talk rubbish; talk at random; 瞎想乱猜 make blind and disorderly conjectures; 瞎指挥 arbitrary orders; arbitrary direction of affairs; arbitrary guidelines; blind guidance in production; give arbitrary, impractical decisions; give blind [arbitrary] directions; give [issue] confused orders; give uninformed directions; ignorant orders; mess things up by giving wrong orders; rash guidance; unreasonable orders; 瞎诌 make up wild stories; talk irresponsibly; waffle; 瞎抓 do things without a plan; go about sth. in a haphazard way; 瞎琢磨 torment; 瞎子 a blind person; 瞎子点灯白费蜡 A blind man lit the lamp — a vain effort and a sheer waste.; (like) lighting a candle for a blind person — a sheer waste; (like) lighting a lamp for a blind man — absolutely useless; It's as useless as lighting a candle for a blind person.; 瞎子看戏, 有笑亦笑 A blind man sees the show — follow others in laughter.; 瞎子摸象 The blind man feels an elephant — to take a part for the whole.; 瞎子摸鱼 A blind person gropes for fish — to act blindly.; 瞎子拿书供人读 A blind man takes a book, which only others can read.





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:50:40