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单词 睹物思人

睹物思人dǔ wù sī rén

seeing the object one thinks of its maker; the thing reminds one of its owner; things have their associations
❍ 和尚没有文学界人物的清高,所以他就不免~,所谓“时涉遐想”起来,…… (《鲁迅全集》上—306) Since monks are not as sublime as men of letters,when they looked at the object they could not help thinking of its maker and indulging in certain vain and frivolous thoughts.
❍ 俗语说:“~”,天下的水总归一源,不拘那里的水舀一碗,看着哭去,也就尽情了。(《红楼梦》539) The proverb says:Things have their associations. But water the whole world over in the last analysis comes from the same source. He could have ladled out a bowl of water anywhere and wept over it to work off his feelings.

睹物思人dǔ wù sī rén

看到死者的遗物或别人留下的物品,就想起这个人。the thing reminds one of its owner, things have their associations, seeing the object one thinks of its maker





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