睁zhēnɡ (张开) open (eyes): ~ 开眼睛 open one's eyes; 眼睛 ~ 不开 cannot open one's eyes ◆睁眼瞎子 be completely illiterate; illiterate person; illiteracy; {中医} blindness without abnormal change of the external appearance of the eye; 睁一眼, 闭一眼 turn a blind eye to sth.; avoid seeing it; keep one eye closed; look through one's fingers; pretend not to see; purposely overlook; turn a blind eye to; wink at sth.; with one eye open and the other closed; 睁着眼睛说瞎话 tell a bare-faced [out-and-out] lie; lie brazenly; plain lie; speak with tongue in (one's) cheek; talk barefaced nonsense; talk through one's hat |