释义 |
眼花缭乱眼花撩乱yǎn huā liáo luànbe bewildered and confused; be dazzled; see things in a biur ❍ 舱里铺着熊皮、豹皮,还挂着几副弩箭,摆着许多瓶罐,弄得他~。(鲁迅《故事新编》36) There bear-skins and leopard-skins strewed the floor,bows and arrows hung from the walls,and the vases and pots on all sides quite dazzled his eyes. ❍ 尤其令人~的,是前东三省总督赵尔巽被任为清史馆馆长。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》90) What most dazzled them was the appointment of Zhao Ersun,a former Qing Viceroy of the Northeastern Provinces,as head of the Institute for Qing History. ❍ 匡大被他这一番话说得~,浑身都酥了,一总都依他说。(《儒林外史》244) So dazzled by this speech that he nearly fainted,Kuang Da promised to do as he was told. 眼花缭乱yǎn huā liǎo luàn缭乱:纷乱。眼睛看到复杂的色彩而感到迷乱。形容事物复杂纷繁,使眼睛感到迷乱,看不清事物的真相。be dazzled, dazzling, dizzy, in a daze |