眼光❶eye ❷sight;foresight;insight;vision ❸viewpoint;standpoint;outlook 中国有些人~越过了喜马拉雅山。Some people in China look beyond the Himalayas. /把~放远一点see things in a broader perspective/用老~看新问题judge new things by old standards/用新~看问题adopt a new approach towards the problem;see the problem in a new light/用新~来观察周围事物view everything in a new light/有~的政治家a farsighted statesman/有~的人people with discerning eyes;man of vision/历史~historical perspective/政治~political foresight/~短浅short-sighted/~敏锐的人people with keen insight/~远大farsighted;have a broad vision |