讲~,不讲面子。Keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized./~面前人人平等。Everyone is equal before the truth./~是辩出来的。Truth pre vails following debate./~愈辩愈明。The more the debate,the clearer the truth./实践是检验~的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion of truth./坚持~,修正错误uphold the truth and correct mistakes/将马列主义的普遍~与中国革命的具体实践结合起来integrate the universal truth of Marxism and Leninism with the concrete practice of Chinese revolution/颠扑不破的~irrefutable truth/绝对~absolute truth/普遍~ universal truth/相对~relative truth/追求~seek (or pursue)truth/自古以来的~hoary truism/~标准问题的讨论discussion of the criterion for testing truth/ 《~报》Pravda (organ of the former Communist Party of the Soviet Union)