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❶ (守护照料) look after; take care of; tend: ~ 瓜 keep watch in the melon fields; ~ 孩子 look after children; ~ 一群羊 tend a flock of sheep ; 她一个人 ~ 两台机器。 She minds two machines all by herself.
❷ (看押; 监视; 注视) keep under surveillance; keep an eye on: ~ 住他, 别让这坏家伙跑了! Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.
另见 see also kàn。
◆看场 guard the threshing floor (during the harvest season); 看管 look after; attend to; guard; watch看护 nurse; look after; take care of; tend; attend on; nurse; hospital nurse; 看家 look after the house; mind the house; outstanding (ability); special (skill); 看门 guard the entrance; act as doorkeeper; look after the house; 看青 keep watch over the ripening crops; 看守 watch; guard; gaoler; jailor; warder; turnkey; 看押 take into custody; detain; keep under detention


❶ (使视线接触人或物) see; look at; watch: ~ 电视 watch TV; ~ 电影 see a film; go to the movies; ~ 球赛 watch a ball game; ~ 戏 go to the theatre; see a play, an opera, etc. 我对他说话的时候他向旁边 ~。 He looked aside when I spoke to him.
❷ (阅读) read: ~ 报 read a newspaper; ~ 书 read (a book); 她拿起一本杂志, 开始 ~ 起来。 She picked up a magazine and began to read.
❸ (观察并加以判断) think; consider; observe; judge: 从实质上 ~ judging by essentials; ~ 清形势 make a correct appraisal of the situation; 全面地 ~ 问题 approach [look at] problems from all angles; ~ 她的样子你绝对想不到她是位大学教师。 To look at her you'd never guess that she was a university teacher. 你对这件事怎么 ~ ? What's your view on this matter? 你 ~ 她这个人可靠吗? Do you think she's reliable?
❹ (访问; 看望) call on; visit; see: ~ 朋友 visit [call on] a friend; 他曾来过五六次 ~ 他的姐姐。 He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister. 我明天去 ~ 他。 I'll go and see him tomorrow. 有空我来 ~ 你。 I'll drop in on you when I have time.
❺ (对待) look upon; regard: 把人民的利益 ~ 得高于一切 put the interests of the people above all else; 把他 ~ 作我的一个朋友 regard him as among my friends; 我不知道你对这事怎么 ~。 I don't know how you look upon this matter.
❻ (诊治) treat (a patient or an illness): 大夫把她的肺炎 ~ 好了。 The doctor has cured her of pneumonia. 她正在 ~ 病。 She is under medical treatment.
❼ (照料) look after: ~ 顾 look after; take care of; 劳驾帮我 ~ 一下行李。 Will you please keep an eye on my luggage? 她在幼儿园照 ~ 孩子。 She looks after children in the kindergarten.
❽ (小心; 注意) mind; watch out: 别跑这么快! ~ 摔着! Don't run so fast! Mind you don't fall.
❾ (依靠) depend on: 我可能去, 但那要 ~ 情况而定。 I may go there, but that depends. 这要 ~ 你如何处理那个问题。 That depends on how you tackle the problem.
❿ (用在动词或动词结构后面, 表示试一试): 等等 ~ wait and see; 试试 ~ have a try; 找找 ~ just try to find sth.; 尝尝 ~。 Just taste this. 让我想想 ~。 Let me think it over.; Let me see.
另见 see also kān。
◆看病 see a patient; treat; attend; give medical advice; see a doctor; consult a doctor; go to a doctor; receive medical advice; 看不出 unable to perceive [detect]; 看不惯 cannot bear the sight of; detest; disdain; frown upon; hate to see; 看不起 look down upon [on]; scorn; despise; disdain; hold in contempt; 看菜吃饭, 量体裁衣 fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure; regulate the appetite according to the dishes and cut the dress according to the figure — to adapt oneself to circumstances; 看成 look upon as; regard as; treat as; consider as; think of as; have as; 看承 [书] look after; take care of; 看出 make out; perceive; find out; be aware of; see; 看穿 see through; penetrate; 看待 look upon; regard; treat; 看到 see; catch sight of; notice; note; be aware of; 看得见 noticeable; visible; tangible; 看得起 have a good opinion of; think highly of; think much of; 看跌 {贸} (of market prices) be expected to fall; weakness; 看法 a way of looking at a thing; perspective; view; 看风使舵 trim one's sails; adapt oneself to circumstances; change course for convenience; cut the rudder to the wind; see [watch] how [which way] the cat jumps; see how the gander hops; see which way the wind blows; serve the time; steer according to the wind; test which way the wind blows; trim one's [the] sails to the wind; veer with the wind; 看风水 practise geomancy; 看惯 used to seeing; accustomed to seeing; 看好 look to further increase; 看机会 look for a chance or opportunity; watch for an opportunity; 看见 catch sight of; see; 看来 it seems; it appears; look likely; most probably; it looks as if; 看录像 watch video shows; 看破 see through; 看破红尘 be cynical; be disillusioned with the mortal world; discard the vexation of worldly affairs; see through the emptiness of the material world; see through the vanity of life; understand and despise worldly affairs; 看齐 dress; keep abreast with [of]; keep up with; measure up to; emulate; follow the example of; 看轻 underestimate; look down upon; 看清 see clearly; realize; 看热闹 watch the scene of bustle; be a looker-on; look on; see [watch] the fun; 看人下菜 make up to some people and look down on others; 看上 like; take a fancy to; settle on; 看手相 read palms as a means of fortune-telling; practice palmistry; 看书 read a book; 看台 {体} bleachers; stand; grandstand; 看透 understand thoroughly; gain an insight into; see through; be resigned to what is inevitable; know clearly; 看头 [口] sth. worth seeing or reading; 看图识字 learn to read with the aid of pictures; learn charaters through pictures; learn reading by way of pictures; 看望 call on; visit; see; look-in; 看相 practice physiognomy; 看眼色 be ready to take hint; 看涨 {贸} (of making prices) be expected to rise; long; 看中 take a fancy to; settle on; feel satisfied with; prefer; 看重 think highly of; regard as important; value; set store by; overestimate; 看朱成碧 cannot distinguish colours due to a confused mind; take red for green; dazzled; 看准 be certain (about sth.); 看做[作] look upon as; regard as; take as





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