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单词 相机而动

相机而动相机行事;相机而行xiāng jī ér dòng

act according to the circumstances (/at one’s discretion/as the occasion demands); bide one’s time for the proper moment to act; do as one sees fit; play to the score; wait for the opportune moment to act;watch for the right time for action
❍ 也罢。待我明日进朝,相机而行便了。秉其便,便好开罗撒网,保汝生全。(洪昇《长生殿》) Very well. Tomorrow when I go to court-I shall see what can be done. To release you from the net,And to save your life.
❍ 吉甫,这句话你在镇上且不要说出来,待我们去~。(《儒林外史》118)Don’t talk about this in the village yet,Jifu,….Wait till we see what can be done.
❍ 如此依计,往花荣军前,密传将令,相机行事。(《水浒全传》1114)According to our stratagem,please go to Huarong's army ana deliver the secret order to him asking him to wait forthe proper moment to act.





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