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单词 相差无几

相差无几相去无几xiāng chà wú jǐ

almost(/nearly) the same; be pretty well on a par with;similar; be quite close to; not far from; the differenceis insignificant
❍ 然而现今所辩,正和说地体不方~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—6) Yet their present arguments are prettywell on a par with contending that the earth is notsquare.
❍ 天上一条大裂纹,非常深,也非常阔。伊站起来,用指甲去一弹,一点不清脆,竟和破碗的声音~了。(鲁迅《故事新编·补天》11) There was a great crack acrossit,deep and wide. Nukua stood up and tapped the sky with her fingers. Instead of a clear ring,it gave a sound like a cracked bowl.
❍ 还有北京和广州本上的,也~。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·后记》89) And those in the Beijing and Guangzhou editions are similar.
❍ 太监们即刻研究鼻准骨,有一个确也似乎比较地高,但究竟~;……(鲁迅《故事新编·铸剑》89) The eunuchs hastened to examine the noses. To be sure,one of them was relatively high,though there wasn’t much to choose between them; …

相差无几xiānɡ chā wú jǐ

形容两者差别不大。little difference, almost the same, be somewhat on a par





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