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单词 相依为命

相依为命xiāng yī wéi mìng

depend on each other for existence (/survival); rely on each other for life(/living); be bound by a common destiny/……或则出了四分五分的利息,向人家借了现钱去缴,抵押品是~的手下的田亩,清偿期是明年新谷登场的时候!(叶圣陶《倪焕之》324) …otherwise it meant borrowing ready cash at forty or fifty per cent to pay their rent with,with the land that was as precious as life itself to them as security for the loan,which would have to be repaid as soon as their next year’s crop was ready for harvesting.
❍ 工人们拿不到工钱,还要日夜做工,防备大水淹塌~的矿井。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》17) Though the miners could not even get their pay. they worked day and night to keep the mine. on which their livelihood depended,from being flooded.
❍ 她想,孩子虽然不能再见,但总还可以和老祖父——她那慈祥的、和她~的老祖父再团圆。(杨沫《青春之歌》19) She might never see her child again,but she clung to the thought of reunion with her grandfather-the gentle,kindly old man who had relied as much on her as she did on him.
❍ 从此,我就和德顺爷爷~,组成了一个新的家。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》46)We set up a new home and lived,with Granddad Deshun as one prop and I the other.

相依为命xiānɡ yī wéi mìnɡ

互相依靠过日子。depend on each other for survival, rely on each other for survival, be all in all together





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