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单词 直截了当

直截了当zhí jié liǎo dàng

blunt (ly); burly; by the string rather than the bow; categorical; cold turkey; come (/get) down to brass tacks (/nails);come (/go) directly to the point; come (/straight)from the shoulder; directly and candidly; downright;flat;flat-footed; forthright;in explicit (/plain)terms;in no uncertain (/unequivocal) terms; not beat about the bush; plump;point-blank; pointed(ly); racy of the soil; straightforward (ly)
❍ 非常可惜,他还是少年本色,以冲突的方式~质问:“舅爷!你叫俺素芳婶子给富农女人熬汤去吗?” (柳青《创业史》319)Unfortunately he was still just a blunt youngster.“Are you sending Sufang to work for that rich-peasant,granduncle?” he demanded abruptly.
❍ 我说了我不愿意说的话,为的是想用~的答语来阻止她继续追问。(巴金《春天里的秋天》) I said reluctantly,hoping my blunt answer might forestall further questions.
❍ 章工作员这次也跟从前说话不同了,也没有讲什么 “意义” 与 “重要性”,~说道: …… (赵树理《李有才板话》42) Zhang’s speech was not his customary one. He said nothing about “significance,” or “importance,” but came directly to the point.
❍ 哼,你讲,你究竟有什么把握?你讲!你~地讲! (郭沫若《屈原》33) Well,go on. What do you mean by all right? Speak up! Give me a direct answer./“当然得烧!”剑平~的回答。(高云览《小城春秋》15) “Of course it will!” retorted Jianping promptly.
❍ 哎,你赶快把我所问的事~地回答吧,你到底要兜好多圈子!(郭沫若《屈原》)31) Well,quickly,tell me straight out what I asked you. How many other digressions are you going to make?/“人手还不够,你想介绍人吗?”余静~地问她。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—139)“The Mill has not yet got all the hands it needs.Did you want to get someone a job here?” Yu Jing asked her without any beating about the bush./ “去和鬼子夺呀!”老洪~地说。(知侠《铁道游击队》205) “Get them from the Japanese!” said Liu Hong with simpledirectness.


point-blank; blunt; straightforward;flat and plain
~地说to put it bluntly /~地回答pointblank (or direct)answer

直截了当zhí jié liǎo dànɡ

了当:了结。形容说话或行动不拐弯抹角,非常简单爽快。point blank, come straight to the point, simply and plainly, in so many words, without more ado, come down to brass nails





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