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单词 目不转睛

目不转睛mù bù zhuǎn jīng

look with fixed gaze(/eyes); gaze steadily (/fixedly/intently); fix one’s eyes firmly (/unblinkingly)on; keep one’s gaze fixed upon; never take (/turn/tear) one’s eyes off(/away from); one’s eyes are intent (/riveted)on; stare at
❍ 他~地盯着船形车斗里那个马脸军官,觉得好象在哪里见过,可是一下子又想不起来。(杨佩瑾《剑》219) He fixed his eyes on the horse-faced officer in the side-car. He was sure he had seen him some where,but could not place him for the moment.
❍ 她盯着他,~地盯着,脸色由惨白变成了深红。(杨沫《青春之歌》220) She gazed steadily at him,her pale face flushed crimson,…/他一面说着,突出骨溜溜的眼珠子,~看江涛。(梁斌《红旗谱》341) His prominent eyes were fixed steadily on Jiangtao.
❍ 孙明霞越念越起劲,大家都~地望着她。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》286) She read with increasing verve and enthusiasm.All eyes were intent on her lips,…/道静~地凝视着那张苍白热情的脸。(杨沫《青春之歌》386) Daojing’s eyes were riveted upon that pallid face so expressive of warm feeling.
❍ 貂蝉便坐于允侧。吕布~的看。(《三国演义》66) So she took a seat modestly near her master. Lu Bu kept his gaze fixed upon her maid.
❍ 神经质的老头,每次总是~地望着自己,一言不发。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》495) He did not seem quite right in the head and would stare fixedly at Xu Yunfeng without ever saying a word.

目不转睛mù bù zhuǎn jīnɡ

睛:眼球。眼睛一转不转地盯着看。形容注意力高度集中。look with fixed eyes, fasten one’s eyes on, a fixed gaze, be all eyes for ..., gaze with fixed eyes





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