释义 |
目mùⅠ ❶ (眼睛) eye: 醒 ~ catch the eye; 瞩 ~ fix one's eyes upon; 双 ~ 失明 be blind in both eyes ❷ (大项中再分的小项) item: 细 ~ specific item; detail; 项 ~ item ❸ {生} (把同一纲的生物按彼此相似的特征分为几个群) order: 亚 ~ suborder; 芽枝霉 ~ blastocladiales; 鳓亚 ~ blennioidea ❹ (目录) catalo ̄ gue; list; number: 类 ~ category; 价 ~ price list; 剧 ~ a list of plays or operas Ⅱ [书] (看) look; regard: ~ 之 look at it; ~ 为奇迹 regard as a miracle ◆目标 target; objective; goal; aim; destination; 目标管理 goal management; the management of objectives; objective control; management by objective (MBO); 目标控制 target control; 目不见睫 the eye cannot see its lashes — lack of self-knowledge; not know oneself; 目不交睫 have one's eyes open throughout the night; cannot close one's eyes to sleep; did not have a wink of sleep the whole night; Eyes would not connect their lashes — have not had any sleep.; 目不窥园 not to cast one's eyes at the garden — absolute concentration on studies; be entirely absorbed in study; never take a peep into the garden — bury oneself in one's studies; 目不忍睹 One's eyes could not bear the scene.; 目不识丁 not know a single word; not know B [a B] from a battledore; not know even the simplest characters; be unable to recognize a single written character; 目不暇接[给] The eye cannot take it all in — too many things for the eye to see.; have no time to take in the scene as a whole; have too much to watch; so many things come into sight that the eyes are kept fully occupied; 目不转睛 One's pupils do not turn.; a fixed gaze; watch with the utmost concentration; 目测 visualization; {军} range estimation; perusal; eye-measurement; eye survey; visual measurement; 目次 table of contents; contents; 目瞪口呆 eyes and mouth are fixed — terrified; be struck dumb with astonishment; staring in bewilderment; 目瞪口呆, 面面相觑 be struck dumb with astonishment, staring at each other in bewilderment; 目的 purpose; aim; goal; objective; end; 目的地 destination; 目的论 teleology; finalism; 目的在于 with the purpose [intent] of; with a view to; with a view of; 目睹 see with one's own eyes; witness; 目光 sight; vision; view; gaze; look; 目光短浅 be shortsighted [nearsighted]; improvident; myopic; a narrow vision; 目击 see with one's own eyes; witness; 目击者 eyewitness; witness; 目见 see for oneself; 目距 eye-distance; 目力 eyesight; vision; 目录 catalogue; contents; list; table of contents; contents; {自} catalog; directory; list; schedule; repertory; repertoire; 目录学 bibliography; 目迷五色 dazzled by a riot of colour; bewildered by a complicated situation; 目前 at present; at the moment; now; 目视 visual; 目送 follow sb. with one's eyes; watch sb. go; gaze after; 目无法纪 to one's eyes there are no laws and rules; act in utter disregard of law and discipline; bid defiance to the law; defy every law and regulation; 目无全牛 A master butcher sees through parts and joints of a cow without cutting.; A well-experienced man sees things explicitly and thoroughly.; be a complete master; see an ox not as a whole (but only as parts to be cut) — be supremely skilled; conceited and arrogant; supercilious; 目无余子 consider everyone beneath one's notice; despise all others; as if other people didn't exist; haughty and self-conceited; supercilious; 目无组织 disregard organizational discipline; defy the leadership of one's organization; 目无尊长 show no respect to elders and superiors; have no regard for superiors; set sb.'s authority at naught; with no regard for one's elders and betters; 目下 at present; now; 目眩 dizzy; dazzled; 目语 communicate with the eyes; 目中无人 to one's eyes there is no other; care for nobody; treat others with contempt; put on airs and look down on other people; consider everyone beneath one's notice 目item 目item; sub-item 细~detailed items/第58款子项(一)~item(1),sub-paragraph a,paragraph 58 |