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单词 盛极一时

盛极一时shèng jí yī shí

at the peak of the development (/popularity); be all the rage (at the moment); be in fashion (/vogue) for a time; prevail for a time; in full flourish
❍ 所以从前不满意小说的,到此时也多做起小说来,因之传奇小说,就~了。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》281) Then even those who disapproved of fiction felt constrained to write it,and short stories were all the rage.
❍ 加以宋时理学~,因之把小说也多理化了,以为小说非含有教训,便不足道。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》286) Furthermore,because Neo-Confucianism was in such vogue during the Song dynasty,even fiction acquired a Confucian flavour and stories without morals were thought rather worthless.

盛极一时shènɡ jí yī shí

形容一时特别兴盛或流行。be in fashion for a time, be all the rage, the vogue of the day, in full flourish





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