监(監)jiānⅠ (从旁察看;监视) supervise;inspect;watch: ~ 工 supervise work;oversee;~ 考 invigilate Ⅱ (牢狱) prison;jail: 女 ~ women's prison; 收 ~ put sb. into jail;be taken to prison;~ 外执行 execute (a sentence) outside prison 另见 see also jiàn。 ◆监测 monitor;survey; 监测器 {物} monitor; 监察 supervise;control;monitor; 监督 supervise;superintend;control;monitoring;supervision; 监督成本 monitoring cost; 监督管理 supervisory management; 监督劳动 labour [work] under mass supervision;do a spell of manual labour under surveillance;do manual labour under supervision; 监督作用 supervisory role; 监工 supervise work;oversee;overseer;supervisor;overlooker;bull bucker;clerk of the works; 监护 {律} guardianship;tutelage; 监护人 guardian;guarder;custodian; 监禁 take into custody;imprison;put in jail [prison];监考 invigilate;monitor examinations; 监控 supervisory control;monitor;control; 监控程序 monitor program; 监牢 [口] prison;jail; 监理 supervisor; 监理工程师 supervising engineer; 监事会 board of supervisors;board of visitors; 监视 keep watch on;keep a lookout over;guard;monitoring;surveillance; 监视器 monitor;invigilator;watchdog; 监守 have custody of;guard;take care of; 监守自盗 steal what is entrusted to one's care;steal money in one's trust [for which one is responsible];Custodian turned thief.;embezzle;defalcate; 监听 monitor;monitoring; 监外执行 executing a sentence outside of jail;serving a sentence outside the prison under surveillance; 监狱 prison;jail;slammer; 监造师 {船} superintendent; 监制 supervise the manufacture of
监(監)jiàn ❶ (古代官府名) an imperial office: 国子 ~ the Imperial College,the highest educational administration in feudal China ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 翁 Jian Weng 另见 see also jiān。 |