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单词 皮开肉绽

皮开肉绽pí kāi ròu zhàn

be badly bruised from flogging; be macerated; with flesh torn to shreds;the skin torn and the flesh gaping
❍ 一转眼,打了他个~,鲜血淋淋。(冯志《敌后武工队》375) Soon his whole body was macerated and bleeding,like raw meat.
❍ 改刑重责二千锤,肉绽皮开骨将折。(《西游记》 254) My punishment changed to two thousand blows,|My flesh was torn; my bones did almost crack.
❍ 打的来~损肌肤,鲜血模糊,恰浑似活地狱。(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》71) Their flesh is in shreds,|They stream with blood.|This is a living hell!/两边如狼如虎的公人,把舵工拖翻,二十毛板,打得~。(《儒林外史》423)At this signal,from both sides rushed fierce atten dants,who threw the helmsman to the ground and gave him twenty strokes with the bastinado,till his flesh was torn to shreds.
❍ 一连打了两料,打得宋江~,鲜血进流。(《水浒全传》405)❶So Song Jiang was given two rounds of beatings and his skin was split and his flesh broke forth and the red blood streamed out.
❷Song Jiang was flailed severely in two storms of blows. Blood flowed from his lacerated flesh.
❍ 左右公人,把卢俊义捆翻在地,不由分说,打的~,鲜血迸流,昏晕去了三四次。(《水浒全传》779) Then the underlings to the right and to the left bound Lu Junyi and without a word they beat him until his skin burst open and his flesh hung in shreds,and his good blood flowed everywhere. He fainted away three or four times.

皮开肉绽pi kai rou zhan

the skin torn and the flesh gaping

皮开肉绽pí kāi ròu zhàn

绽:裂开。皮肉都裂开了。形容被打得伤势很重。the skin is torn and the flesh gapes open, the skin torn and the flesh gaping, be beaten to a mass of bruises





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