单词 | fact |
释义 | fact /faekt; faekt/ n 1 [C] sth that has happened or been done. 已发生或所做之事; 事件; 行为。 accos- sary before the ~, (legal) accessary who is not present when a crime is committed. (法律) 犯罪前的从犯 (犯罪时未在场) 。 accessary after the ~, (legal) who knowingly helps another who has committed a crime. (法律) 犯罪后的从犯。 2 [C] sth known to be true or accepted as true: 事实: No one can deny the ~ that fire burns. 无人熊畚认火可燃烧的事实。 Poverty and crime are ~s. 赁穷和犯罪是事实。 I know it for a ~, I know that it is really true. 我知道这是真的。 a ~。 f life, sth that cannot be ignored, however unpleasant. 尽管不愉快而无法更改的事实。 the ~ of life, (colloq, euphem) details of human sexual reproduction (eg as told to children). (俗,委婉语) 性知识 (例如讲给孩子们听的) 。 '~-finding adj A~-finding commission has been appointed, one to inquire into ~s, to find out what is true and what is not true. 一个事实调查团已被派定。 3 [U] reality; what is true; what exists: 现实; 真实的事物; 存在的事物: The story is founded on ~. 这故事系根据现实。々 is important to distinguish ~ from fiction. 辨如现实与血构是重要的。 The → of the matter is..., The truth is.... 此事的真相是…。 in ~; as a matter of ~; in point of 上,really: 事实上; 实际上: I think so; in ~, I'm quite sure. 我想是如此, 事实上我十分相信是如此。 |
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