释义 |
皮píⅠ ❶ (人或物体表面的一层组织) skin: 擦破一块 ~ scrape a bit of skin off; 树 ~ bark; 土豆 ~ potato peel [skin]; 西瓜 ~ watermelon rind; 香蕉 ~ banana skin; 猪 ~ pigskin; 蛇每年蜕一次 ~。 Serpents cast their skin once a year. 这鞋不合脚,把 ~ 都磨掉了。 The shoe fits badly and has rubbed the skin. ❷ (皮革) leather; hide: ~ 靴 leather boots; 硝 ~ curry leather ❸ (毛皮) fur: ~ 大衣 fur coat; ~ 领fur collar; 上等的狐 ~ a fine fox fur ❹ (包在外面的一层东西) cover; wrapper: 包袱 ~ 儿 cloth-wrapper; 书 ~ 儿 book cover; jacket ❺ (表面) surface: 地 ~ land for building; ground; 飘在水 ~ 儿上 float on the surface of the water ❻ (某些薄片状的东西) a broad, flat piece (of some thin material) ; sheet: 奶 ~ 儿 skin (on boiled milk); 铁 ~ iron sheet ❼ (橡胶) rubber: ~ 筋儿 rubber [elastic] band ❽ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 日休 Pi Rixiu Ⅱ ❶ (酥脆的东西受潮后变韧) become soft and soggy; no longer crisp: 花生 ~ 了。 The peanuts aren't crisp any more. ❷ (顽皮; 调皮) naughty: 这孩子真 ~ ! What a naughty child! ❸ (感到无所谓) case-hardened; no longer care: 他老挨罚,都 ~ 了。 He gets punished of ten that he no longer cares. ◆皮袄 fur-lined jacket; 皮包 leather handbag; briefcase; portfolio; [方] budget; purse (especially one made of leather); 皮包公司 fundless company engaged in speculation; paper company; briefcase company; broker; 皮包骨头 skinny; only skin and bone; a mere bag of bones; 皮鞭 cowhide (牛皮的); {刑具} kurbash; kourbash; courbash; curbash; thong; 皮层 cortex; cerebral cortex; derma; stipitipellis; pellis (pl. pelles); 皮尺 tape measure; tape; 皮带 leather belt; leather girdle; belt; girth; 皮蛋 pidan; preserved egg; 皮垫 leather packing; 皮肤 skin; baragnosis; derma; hide; 皮肤病 skin disease; tetter; dermatosis (pl. dermatoses); dermatopathya; dermatonosus; 皮肤科 {医} dermatological department; dermatology; 皮傅 [书] draw a forced analogy based on superficial knowledge; 皮革 leather; hide; 皮管 leather hose; 皮辊 roller; 皮猴儿 hooded fur overcoat; fur parka; fur anorak; 皮划艇运动 canoeing; 皮黄 short for xipi (西皮) and erhuang(二黄), two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas; 皮货 fur; pelt; 皮夹子 wallet; pocketbook; 皮匠 cobbler; shoemaker; tanner; 皮胶 hide glue; leather cement; 皮筋儿 rubber band; elastic band; 皮开肉绽 One's skin was split and one's flesh broke forth — badly bruised from [by] flogging; (beat sb. till) his flesh was torn to shreds; open wound; One's skin hung in tatters, the flesh was battered.; One's skin was flayed open and one's flesh was torn.; One's skin was split and one's flesh protruded.; serious bodily injuries inflicted presumably with a cat-of-nine-tails or a knout; skin and flesh torn; the skin split and the flesh protruded; the skin torn and flesh gaping; (flog sb.) until his skin burst open and his flesh hung in shreds; with skin cut open and flesh torn; 皮科 dermatological department; 皮老虎 bellows; 皮脸 [方] shameless; [方] naughty; 皮毛 pelage; fur; skin and hair; coat; smattering; susperficial knowledge; 皮毛之见 superficial opinion; 皮棉 ginned cotton; lint; lint cotton; 皮面 face; surface; leather facing; cuticle; {生} epidermis; 皮膜 membrana dermalis; epithelium; 皮囊 leather bag; a man's body; 皮内试验 intracutaneous test; 皮内针 {中医} intradermal needling (acupuncture by embedding the needle subcutaneously for one or several days); 皮内注射 intracutaneous injection; intradermal injection; 皮钱儿 leather washer; leather packing collar; 皮球 rubber ball; ball; 皮神经 nervus cutaneus; 皮绳 hide rope; 皮糖 a kind of sweets made from sugar and some starch; 皮套 leather sheath; 皮条 thong; strap; 皮艇 kayak; 皮外科 dermasurgery; 皮下注射 hypodermic injection; skin-pop; hypo; subcutaneous injection; 皮线 {电} rubber-insulated wire; rubber-covered wire; 皮箱 leather suitcase; leather trunk; 皮相 skin-deep; superficial; 皮相之谈 superficial opinion [talk]; 皮笑肉不笑 crafty; a foxy smile; cold smile; force oneself to smile; put on a false smile; skin-deep smile; smile hypocritically; smirk; with a mirthless grin on one's face; 皮鞋 leather shoes; 皮炎 {医} dermatitis; cutitis; dermitis; 皮衣 fur clothing; leather clothing; 皮影戏 leather-silhouette show; shadow play; ombres chinoises; 皮张 hide; pelt; 皮掌儿 outsole; 皮真菌 dermophyte; dermatophyte; dermatomyces; 皮疹 {医} erythra; quat; rash; scall; [英方] barn gun; 皮之不存,毛将焉附 With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself?; A thing cannot exist without its basis.; If the skin does not exist, what could the hair adhere to — One thing is dependent on the other.; mutual dependent (of neighboring states); usefulness of having a buffer stare in between; It is impossible for a thing to exist without its basis.; 皮脂 sebum; sebum cutaneum; 皮脂腺 glandula sebacea; sebaceous gland; 皮纸 tough paper made from bast fibre of the paper mulberry, etc.; pelure paper; bark paper; 皮质 {生理} cortex; 皮重 tare; 皮子 skin; rind; leather; hide; fur |