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[书] (盛大) grand;magnificent Ⅱ ❶ (君主;皇帝) emperor;sovereign: 女 ~ empress
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 士 Huang Shi
◆皇储 the crown prince;
皇带鱼 oarfish;sea serpent;
皇帝 emperor;
皇都 imperial capital;
皇恩浩荡 infinite royal graciousness;
皇甫 a surname;
皇父 a surname;
皇宫 imperial palace;palace;
皇冠 imperial crown;
皇后 empress;
皇皇巨著 a great brilliant work;
皇家 imperial family [house];皇历 [旧] almanac;
皇陵 imperial mausoleum;
皇蟒 emperor boa;
皇企鹅 emperor penguin;
皇亲国戚 a kinsman of the emperor;members of the imperial [royal] house;princes and princesses of the royal family;relatives of an emperor;
皇权 imperial power or authority;
皇上 His Majesty;
皇室 imperial household;royal household;
皇太后 empress dowager;
皇太子 crown prince;
皇天不负苦心人 Heaven helps those who help themselves.;Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee.;Providence doesn't let down a man who does his best.;
皇天后土 Heaven and Earth;great heaven and sovereign earth;heaven above and earth below;
皇族 people of imperial lineage;imperial kinsmen;(royal) imperial family;
皇祖 imperial ancestors before the founder of the dynasty





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