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单词 百里挑一

百里挑一bǎi lǐ tiāo yī

one in a hundred (/thousand);the cream of the crop
❍ 姑爷年纪略大几岁,并没有娶过的,况且人物儿长的是~的。(《红楼梦》1541)The prospective bridegroom was a few years older but he had never been married and,as far as appearances went,was one in a hundred.
❍ 对呀,肖队长、王同志、刘同志,都是~的人品,还能要你们娘们?(周立波《暴风骤雨》100) You’re right. He’s one in a thousand,and so are Comrades Wang and Liu. Who wants your women?/对报名参军的人挑得很严,~,人们说比挑女婿还严。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—104) The conditions for enrolment were stiff,only one in a hundred was chosen. People said the conditions were stricter than those for choosing a husband for one’s daughter.

百里挑一bǎi lǐ tiāo yī

在许多人中间才挑出一个来。形容相貌或才能特别突出。one in a hundred, the cream of the crop





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