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单词 百万雄师

百万雄师百万雄兵bǎi wàn xióng shī

a million bold warriors;a mighty army a million strong
❍ 荷枪实弹、浑身黑老鸦一样的警察,对着这些手无寸铁的青年人,如象对着百万雄兵的大敌一样。(杨沫《青春之歌》 135) The black-uniformed police with their rifles were acting as if these defenceless boys and girls were an enemy army a million strong.
❍ 钟山风雨起苍黄,~过大江。(毛泽东《人民解放军占领南京》) Over Zhongshan swept a storm,headlong,|Our mighty army,a million strong,has crossed the Great River.
❍ 共产党领导的~,没有踏着“风火轮”,是穿着草鞋,迎着漫天风雪, 朝桂阳山区、 朝老鸦窝、朝着欧阳海飞奔而来。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》39) The fact was that millions of heroic forces,led by the Chinese Com munist Party,were even then flying through the snowstorm towards the Guiyang Mountains,towards Ravens Nest,towards Ouyang Hai—although on their feet were not wings but only straw sandals.

百万雄师bǎi wàn xiónɡ shī

义同“百万雄兵”。same as“百万雄兵”





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:49:19