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单词 scene
scene/si:n/ n

(1)(事件/故事的)发生地点(place where some action or event occurs)[C]:the~of the crime/the accident/the disaster/a famous battle 犯罪现场/事故现场/受灾区域/一次著名战斗的战场;a crash~(飞机)坠毁的地方;The~of the film is set/laid in Switzerland. 电影中的故事发生/发生在瑞士。〖同〗 setting,site spot;

(2)情景,场面(incident or situationreal or imaginaryesp as described or represented)[C]:a~of disorder/a good harvest/rejoicing 混乱/丰收/欣喜的场面;the angry/hilarious/peaceful/horrifying/moving~愤怒/热闹/和平/使人震惊/感人的场面;In this book the author recalls~s from his childhood. 在这本书中作者回忆了他童年的情景。〖同〗sight;

(3)(戏剧,电影中的)一场(段)(part of (an act in) a playfilmetc that does not have a change of place in it)[C]:Act 1,S~1 of the radio play 广播剧中的第一幕第一场;the first few/trial~s of the movie 电影中开始的几个/审讯镜头;give explicit directions about how to play the~对怎样演好这段戏做了清楚的说明;〖同〗division,act;

(4)布(背)景;道具((painted boardsfurnitureetc forming) setting or background for a play)[C]:design the new~s and costumes 设计新的道具与戏装;change/shift the~s 换/换景;The~is/represents the king's palace. 背景是/表示王宫。〖同〗background,setting;

(5)风景;景色(致)(prospect of a place;landscape)[CU]:make a beautiful snow~构成美丽的雪景;the winter/street/wild mountain~冬景/街景/荒芜的山景;the~from the window/along the beach 窗外/海滩的风景;drink in the beauty of the~陶醉在美丽的景色中;go for a change of~改变环境;〖同〗view,sight;

(6)(某一方面的)情况(environment for a specific activity)[Uthe~](infml):the academic/political/business/fashion/drug~学术/政治/商业/时装/贩毒活动的情况;〖同〗 area,front;

(7)发脾气,争吵(display of strong feelingesp anger;a quarrel)[C]:have/create/make a~ (with sb/of trifles)(同某人/为小事)吵架/大吵大闹/发脾气;have a big~大发脾气;There was a~in the restaurant. 饭馆里有人在吵架。〖同〗display;

behind the scenes 1)在后台(幕后):Crowd-ing behind the~s,they congratulated her. 他们拥到后台,向她祝贺。2)秘密的:The reporter wanted to know what went on behind the~s at the White House. 那位记者想了解白宫的幕后交易。

come on the scene 出现,到场:We were enjoying ourselves till you came on the~. 在你出现以前我们一直玩得很高兴。

on the scene(到)在现场:The doctor was on the~quickly after the accident. 事故发生后,医生很快赶到现场。

not one's scene 不感兴趣(infml):Classical music is not my~. 我对古典音乐不感兴趣。

set the scene(for sth) 1)现场报道:The reporters set the~in Congress. 国会开会期间,记者们进行现场报道。2)为……做准备:The Pairs talks set the~for the end of the war. 巴黎会谈为结束战争做了准备。

→′scene-shifter n 更换布景的人;′scenery n 舞台布景;风景,景色;′scenic adj 舞台的,布景的;景色优美的;

【辨异】sceneview都表示“景色,景致”。scene表示所见到的一切的有机整体(包括人和活动等),如:the peaceful scene of the sheep grazing on the hillside(羊群在山坡上吃草的和平景象);view(风景)为一般用语,指一切所见到的景物,如:Trees shut out the view(树木遮住了风景。)还有scenery(景致)表示自然风光的外貌,如:the picturesque scenery of the West Lake(西湖如画的景色)。





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