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单词 白圭之玷

白圭之玷bái guī zhī diàn

a blemish in a fair gem(/pure jade); a flaw in a piece of white jade (/a precious stone)
❍ ~,尚可磨也; 斯言之玷,不可为也。(《诗经·大雅·抑》)A flaw in a piece of white jade may|By patient toil be ground away,| But for a flaw we make in speech| What can be done? ‘Tis past our reach.
❍ 但这也不过~,并非晚节不终。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—214) This was no more than a blemish in pure jade,however,not a serious stain on his character in the end.

白圭之玷bái ɡuī zhī diàn

圭:一种玉器;玷:玉器上的斑点。比喻美中不足。a slight flaw in white jade, a slight defect in a person of integrity





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