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单词 白云苍狗

白云苍狗bái yún cāng gǒu

the vicissitudes of fortune (/events)like changing cloud formations;the worldly affairs are suddenly changed like the white clouds taking the shape of a grey dog; white clouds change into grey dogs—the changes in human affairs often take freakish forms
❍ 东海扬尘犹有日,~刹那间。(凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》二十二) There will be a day when a dust is raised in the East Sea,yet the white clouds change into grey dogs in a flash.

白云苍狗bai yun cang gou

white clouds change into grey dogs—the changes in human affairs often take freakish forms

白云苍狗bái yún cānɡ ɡǒu

比喻世界变幻无常。unexpected change of worldly affairs,the often changes in human affairs





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