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单词 experience
释义 experience /ik'spiarians; ik'spinans/ n 1 [U] process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things; knowledge or skill so gained: 经验; 由经验获得的知识或技术: We all learn by ~. 我们都从经验中学习。 Has he had much ~ in/of ork of this sort? 他对这种工作有很多经验吗? He hasn't had enough ~ for the job. 他没有足蜉的经验担当这工作。 2 [C] event, activity, which has given one ~ (1); event that affects one in some way: 经历; 阅历: an unpleasant/trying/unusual ~. 一个令人不愉快的 (难堪的,不平凡的) 经历。 vt [VP6A] have ~ of; feel; meet with: 有之经验; 经历; 感受; 体验: ~ pleasure/pain/difficulty / great hardships. 经历快乐 (痛苦,困难,艰苦) 。 ex-peri-enced adj having ~; having knowledge or skill as the result of ~: 有经验的; 经验丰富的; 熟练的: an ~d nurse/lover. 有经验的护士 (爱人) 。




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