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单词 expect
释义 expect /rk'spekt; ik'spckt/ vt [VP6A, 17, 7A, 9, 14] think or believe that sth will happen or come, that sb will come; wish for and feel confident that one will receive: 预期; 盼望; 期待; 料想: We ~ed you yesterday. 我们昨天期待你来 'We were ~ing a letter from her. 我们当时正期待着她的信。 I ~ to be/ ~ that I shall be back on Sunday. 我想在星期日回来。 You would ~ there to be/that there would be strong disagreement about this. 你大概认为关于此事将有激烈的争论。 You can't learn a foreign language in a week; it's not to be ~ed. 你无法在一周内学会一种外国语言,那是不可指望的事。 You are ~ing too much of her. 你对她的期望过高了。 'Will he be late?'-1! ~ so: M 会迟到吗 ?'——' 我想会的。’'W he need help?'—'No, / don't ~ so, (or) 'No, I - not:'他需要帮助吗?不,我想他不需要。' They ~ (=require) me to work on Saturdays. 他们要成在星期六工作。 / ~ (= require) you to be punctual. 我畚望你守时。 'Who has eaten all the cake?'—'Oh, I ~ (colloq 俗 = suppose) it Tom:'谁把整个糕都吃掉了'哦, 我猜想是汤姆。'~ancy /-ansi; -ansi/ n the state of ~ing: 预茧; 期望; 期待: with a look,an air of ~ ancy; 以嘉冀的神情; life ancy. 平均寿命。 ~ant /-ant; -ant/ adj ~ing: 预期的; 期望的; 期待的: an ~ant mother, woman who is pregnant. 孕妇。 ~.antly adv ~ed adj that is ~ed: 所预期的; 所预料的; 所期望的: an ~ed reply; 预期的回覆; ~ed objections. 预料中的反对。




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