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单词 executive
释义 executive /ig'zekjutiv; ig'zEkjutiv/ adj 1 having to do with managing or executing (l): 执行的; 实行的; 实现的: ~ duties; 执行的职责; ~ ability. 执行的能力。 2 having authority to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc: 有权执行决策、法律、命令等的; 行政的: the ~ branch of the government; 政府的行政宙村; the ~ head of the State, eg the President of the US. 一国之行政首长 (例如美国的总统) 。 n 1 the ~, the ~ branch of a government. 政府的行政部门。 administration, judiciary, legislature. 2 (in the Civil Service) person who carries out what has been planned or decided. (文职部门) 执行计划者; 行政官; 行政人员。 3 person or group in a business or commercial organization with administrative or managerial powers. (大企业或商业机构中) 决策人; 负责厘定政策者; 董事会。




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