释义 |
痛快淋漓tòng kuài lín líimpassioned and forceful; straightforward and effusive;(speak) freely and directly;with great eloquence; (enjoy) to one’s great satisfaction ❍ 战士们可以放胆前进,接近到敌人的身边,展开面对面的~的战斗。(吴强《红日》164) The fighters were able to advance until they were right on top of the enemy and then a brisk hand-to-hand skirmish would ensure. ❍ 于是,提起笔来,不很久,就~地写了一大篇。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—68) His pen moved swiftly in his hand,and it wasn’t very long before he had written an eloquent,long treatise under the first title. ❍ 十五天中 (一九三一年五月十六日至三十日),走七百里,打五个仗,缴枪二万余,~地打破了“围剿”。(《毛泽东选集》202) In fifteen days (from May 16 to May 30,1931) we marched seven hundred li,fought five battles,captured more than twenty thousand rifles and roundly smashed the enemy’s“encirclement and suppression” campaign. ❍ 江波看见他的朋友吃得这样~,心里觉得安慰。(王汶石《风雪之夜》62) Jiang felt somewhat relieved to find his friend had eaten with real relish. ❍ 后来我被召到东京的 “远东国际法庭”去作证,我~地控诉了日本战犯。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》694) When I was summoned to appear as a witness at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in August 1946,I denounced Japanese war crimes with the greatest vehemence. |