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单词 say
say/seɪ/ vtsays/sez/;saidsaid/sed/]; n

vt (1)说,讲(speakpronounceutter)[T+nT+n+prepT+thatD+n+prep (to),D+to+n+ thatD+to+n+wh]:What was he~ing? 他刚才在说什么? the less/least said the better 少说为佳;least said soonest mended 少说为佳,言多必失;~to come at once/finish the work before 5 说马上就来/5点以前完成工作;She is said to be very beautiful. 据说她很漂亮。“Come in,please!” she said/said she. “请进。”她说。~something/a few words/nothing about sth 就某事说了一些话/说了几句话/什么也没说;have plenty/something/nothing to~(for oneself/on that subject)(为自己/就那个题目)有许多话/有些话/无话可说(辩解);~sth against/a good word for sb 说某人的坏话/为某人说好话;its a lot/very little for sb (sth) 关于某人(某事)有值得/不值得称道的品质;It is said/They said (that) she is very beautiful. 据说/人们说她非常漂亮。He said he couldn't wait any longer/his friend was waiting for him. 他说他再也不能等了/他的朋友在等他。~no/yes/good-bye/thank you (to sb)(对某人)说不(拒绝)/是/再见/谢谢;~to oneself/sb “He is right” 暗自想/对某人说“他是对的”;Did he~(to you) where he was going/whether he was coming back/how he was to deal with the problem? 他(对你)说了他去什么地方/他是否回来/他打算怎样处理那个问题吗?〖同〗speak,tell,utter;
 (2)认为,断定,承认(state as an opinion or judgment;admit that sth is true)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:One thing I have to~about him:he is not lying. 说到他,有一件事我必须承认:他没撒谎。I must~that she is stupid. 我想她很蠢。It's hard to~what is wrong. 很难说什么是错的。I can't~when he will be back/whether this is true or not. 我说不准他什么时候回来/这是否是真的。There is no~ing what will happen next. 没人知道接下来会发生什么事。What do you/Would you~to (seeing) a film this evening? 今晚我们看场电影,你看如何? Let's go fishing,what do you~? 我们去钓鱼,你看如何?
 (3)念,背诵(recite;repeat;speak a word or words)[T+n]:~grace/prayers/a poem/lesson 做感恩祷告/祷告/背诵诗/背课文;How do you~“clothes”? “clothes”怎么念? 〖同〗read,repeat;
 (4)表达(示)(convey (thoughtsfeelingsetc)clear to sb by means of artistic expression)[T+nT+n+prep (to)]:Does the picture/the symphony/the poem~much to you? 依你看这幅画/这部交响曲/这首诗寓意深刻吗? The artist tries to~something personal in his work. 这位艺术家想在他的作品中表达一些个人感情。〖同〗express;
 (5)说(表)明,写道(express sth in written words or by signs)[无passT+nT+thatT+whT+to-inf]:Her face/eyes said everything. 她的面部表情/眼神说明了一切。What does your watch/the figure~? 你的表几点了?/这个数字说明了什么? My watch~s ten o'clock. 我的表10点了。What did her passport/the handbills/the newspapers/the telegram/the sign~? 她的护照/那些传单/那些报纸/那份电报/那牌子上写的什么? His silence said that he was unhappy. 他的沉默表明他不高兴。It is said in the book (The book~s) that the treaty was signed in 1945. 书上写着(书上写着)那个条约是1945年签定的。Her letter didn't~when she would be back. 她的信上没写什么时候回来。 The map~s to turn right. 地图上表示应向右拐。〖同〗express,imply,suggest;
 (6)假定,譬如说(suppose;assume)[无passT+nT+that](多用在插入语中):Can you come for dinner? S~,tomorrow? 你能来吃饭吗?譬如说,明天? Let's take a trip,~,along the coast. 我们去旅行吧,譬如,去沿海一带。Let's (Just)~she quits/he is lying. 假定(譬如)说她辞职/他在撒谎。S~X equals the unknown quantity. 设X为未知数。〖同〗guess,suppose,assume;
 go without saying 不用说,当(显)然:It goes without~ing that you can't smoke while you are in hospital. 不用说,住院期间你不能吸烟。
 (I) say 喂(用来引人注意),哎呀(表示惊讶)(旧用法):S~,is this your handbag,Mary? 喂,玛丽,这是你的包吗? I~,what a beautiful girl! 哎呀,多漂亮的姑娘!
 I'll say 我确实认为,肯定的(infml):I'll~this is a good book. 我确实认为这是本好书。
 I wouldn't say no (to sth)我不反对,可以(来一些)(infml):I wouldn't~no to caviar. 我想吃点鱼子酱。
 never say die 别灰心:Never~die;you'll catch up with your classmates. 别灰心,你会赶上你的同学们的。
 not be saying much 不值一提:He earns more than me,but as I earn £400 a month,that's not~ing much. 他挣得比我多,而我每月只挣400镑,所以不值一提。
 not to say 虽不能说:It is rather warm,not to~hot.天虽不说炎热,但也够热的。
 say no more 已经明白了,别再说了:S~no more! When shall we go? 别再说了,我们什么时候走?
 say one's piece 说出想说的话:Every one got up and said his piece about how good the mayor was and then sat down. 每个人都站起来由衷地说市长如何好,然后坐下。
 say the word 提要求,说一声:Just~the word,and I'll do anything you want. 只要你说一声,你想让我做什么我都会做的。
 says you 胡说,我不信(sl):“I'm the strong-est boy on the block.” “S~s you.” “我是这一带最棒的。”“我不信。”
 that is to say 就是说:We'll leave for New York next Monday,that is to~,on July 27. 我们将于下周一,即7月27日动身去纽约。
 to say nothing of 更别说,还不说:The house is full every Saturday with friends and strangers to~nothing of the numerous members of our family. 每周六这房子里都挤满了朋友和陌生人,还不说我们家里的许多成员。
 to say the least 至少可以这样说:What he said just now is tactless,to~the least. 至少可以说,他刚才说的话是不得体的。
 what/whatever sb says goes ……说的被照办(infml):The teacher wants her pupils to finish their homework before the class is over,and what she~s goes. 这位老师让学生们放学前做完作业,大家都按照她的话做了。
 You can say that again! 完全对:“He is a very sane person.” “You can~that again!” “他是个很有头脑的人。” “完全正确。”
 You don't say (so)! 是吗? 真的吗!(表示惊异)(infml):“Bill and Jennie are going to get married.” “You don't~!” “比尔和珍妮要结婚了。”“真的吗!”
 You said it. 确实如此,赞成(infml):“He looks crazy.” “You said it.” “他似乎疯了。”“确实如此。”
 n 意见,要说的话,决定权(rightor opportunity to state one's opinion)[Ua/the~][N (in)]:have the final/a real/some~in the matter 对此事有最后/真正的/一些决定权;not give/allow sb much~in his decision 不让/允许某人有权作出决定;We want our own~as to whether we go or not. 在去留的问题上,我们要自己决定。
 have one's say 发表意见,把话说完:Let him have his~on the matter. Don't interrupt him. 让他把对那件事的看法说完。别打断他。
 say one's say 说完要说的话:He said his~and then sat down. 他说完要说的话就坐下了。
 【辨异】saytellspeaktalk都表示“说,讲,告诉”。saytell都是及物动词。say的直接宾语(或直接引语)是所说的话,如:Did you say anything?(你说什么了吗?)“Come in,” he said.(“请进。”他说)。而tell的直接宾语通常是所提供的情况,间接宾语是接受情况的人,如:Did you tell him anything?(你对他讲了些什么?)speaktalk既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,表示“讲,说,谈”。speak 较为正式,而且常指一个人对一群人的讲话,如:He is going to speak at the meeting.(他要在会上讲话。) 而talk则表示两个人之间的谈话,如:May I talk with you for a moment?(我能和您谈一会儿吗?)They talked about music for a whole day.(他们谈了一整天的音乐。)





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