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单词 病入膏肓

病入膏肓bìng rù gāo huāng

be critically ill and incurable; be incurably (mortally/fatally/hope lessly) sick; one’s illness has reached the irremediable stage; past all hope for recovery; sick to the core(/beyond cure); the disease has attacked (/spread to the vitals—beyond cure
❍ 吾观刘琦过于酒色,~,现今面色羸瘦,气喘呕血。(《三国演义》446) Liu Qi has indulged too freely in wine and women; he is a wreck and rotten to the core,miserably emaciated and panting for breath.
❍ 太宗道:“病势已入膏肓,命将危矣,如何保得?”(吴承恩《西游记》135) “My illness,” said Taizong,“has reached the irremediable stage; my life is in danger. How can you preserve it?”/莲曰: “~,实无救法。……”(蒲松龄《聊斋志异·莲香》224)“When the disease has reached such a pitch as this,” replied Lianxiang,“there is very little to be done,…”/表曰:“我病已入膏肓,不久便死矣,……”(《三国演义》348)Liu Biao said,“The disease has attacked my very vitals and my time is short…”


incurably ill;incurably sick;mortally sick;have no hope of recovery;struck by fatal disease;be terminal

病入膏肓bìnɡ rù ɡāo huānɡ

膏肓:指药力达不到的地方。形容病势严重,无法救治;也比喻事态严重到无可挽救的地步。sick beyond cure, too far gone, an incurable case, sick to the core

病入膏肓bìnɡ rù ɡāo huānɡ

膏肓:指药力达不到的地方。形容病势严重,无法救治;也比喻事态严重到无可挽救的地步。sick beyond cure, too far gone, an incurable case, sick to the core

病入膏肓bìng rù gāo huāng

criticalcondition of disease





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