病bìnɡⅠ❶ (生理上或心理上发生的不正常状态) illness;sickness;disease;malum;malady;morbus;vitium: 慢性 ~ a chronic disease; 心脏 ~ heart trouble;heart disease; 流行 ~ epidemic disease; 常见 ~ common diseases;common illnesses; 传染 ~ infectious disease (通过空气);地方 ~ endemic disease; 多发 ~ frequently occurring illnesses; 肺 ~ lung trouble; 妇女 ~ gynecologic disease;disease of women; 肝 ~ liver trouble; 先天 ~ congenital disease; 精神 ~ mental disease;psychosis ❷ (心病;私弊) trouble;corrupt practices;weakness: 通 ~ common trouble; 弊 ~ abuse;corrupt practice ❸ (缺点;错误) defect;fault: 语 ~ ill-chosen expression; 不足为 ~ can't count as a fault Ⅱ ❶ (生理上或心理上发生不正常状态) fall ill: ~ 倒了 fall ill;be taken ill;be down with an illness;be laid up; 他 ~ 了三天。 He was ill for three days. ❷ [书] (祸害;损害) harm;injure: 祸国 ~ 民 bring calamity to the country and the people ❸ [书] (责备;不满) blame;reproach: 诟 ~ denounce;castigate; 为世所 ~ become an object of public denunciation ◆病案 medical record;case history; 病变 pathology;pathological changes;lesion; 病虫害 plant diseases and insect pests; 病床 sickbed;hospital bed; 病从口入 Disease enters by the mouth.;A closed mouth catches no flies.;Diseases come in at the mouth.;Illness finds its way in by the mouth.; 病从口入,祸从口出 Diseases enter by the mouth;misfortunes issue from it.;A closed mouth catches no flies.; 病毒 {医} virus;inframicrobe; 病笃[急]乱投医 turn to whatever [any] doctor one can find when ciritically ill — try anything when in a desperate situation;A drowning man will catch at a straw.;Men at death's door will turn in desperation to any doctor.;When a man is mortally ill,he will not hesitate to get immediate treatment blindly.; 病房[室] ward (of a hospital);sickroom;bed-ward; 病根 the lingering effect of a chronic disease;an old complaint;an incompletely cured illness;cause of disease;the root cause of trouble; 病故 die of an illness; 病害 (plant) disease; 病号[员] sick personnel;person on the sick list;patient; 病假 sick leave; 病菌 {医} zyme;wog;pathogenic bacteria;germs; 病况 state of an illness;patient's condition; 病理 pathology;pathological mechanism; 病历 medical record;case history; 病例 case (of illness); 病魔 (疾病) serious illness; 病魔缠身 suffering from constant chronic illness;be prone to all kinds of sicknesses;be afflicted with a lingering disease; 病情 state of an illness;patient's condition; 病情危笃 be dangerously ill;One's disease is serious.;One's sickness becomes critical.; 病人 patient;invalid; 病容 sickly look [appearance];病入膏肓 Disease has spread to the vital organs — regarded as hopeless.;be at death's door from one's illness;be a wreck and rotten to the core;be incurably sick;be past treatment;fatal disease;be mortally [critically] ill;beyond all hope;beyond remedy;have no hope of recovery;The disease has attacked one's very vitals — beyond cure.;The illness has taken deep root in one's lean (and weak) body.;The illness is now deeply rooted in one's system.; 病史 medical history; 病逝 die of an illness; 病势 degree of seriousness of an illness;patient's condition; 病室[房] sickroom;ward; 病死率 case fatality rate; 病榻 [书] sickbed; 病态 {医} pathogenicity;morbidity;morbid state;abnormal state;pathosis;{数} ill-condition; 病痛 slight illness;indisposition;ailment; 病危 be critically ill;be terminally ill;be at one's last gasp;[法] à la mort; 病因 [原] cause of disease;pathogeny ;etiology;aetiology;aitiology;noxa (pl.noxae); 病友 friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital;wardmate; 病愈 recover (from an illness); 病原[源] etiology;aetiology aitiology;noxa (pl. noxae);cause of disease;pathogeny; 病院 specialized hospital; 病灶 focus;nidus (pl. nidi);focus of infection; 病征 symptom; 病症 malady;disease;illness; 病证 disease; 病状 symptom (of a disease);morbidity 病za bingdiseases of internal organs other than those caused by such external factors as cold,heat,dampness etc. 病bìngdisease; illness; sickness; disorder |