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单词 save
save1/seɪv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)(挽,拯)救(rescue or bring sb or sth out of danger)[T+nT+n+prep (from)]:~a sick man/sb's life/sb's family/one's marriage/one's nation/the situation/the pictures 挽救一个病人/某人的生命/一家人/自己的婚姻/国家/局势/那些画;~sb's bacon 使某人免于死亡(伤害,失败);~sb from drowning/the danger 救助溺水的某人/使某人脱离危险;~one's country from defeat 使自己的祖国免遭失败;~a school from closure 使一所学校不被关闭;~the climber from falling 使登山者不会掉下去;~a person from himself 使某人摆脱因其愚蠢行为所造成的后果;〖同〗 rescue,help;〖反〗 risk,hazard;

(2)储蓄(钱)(accumulate money for future use)[II+prep (for/with);I+adv (up);I+adv (up)+prep (for),T+nT+n+adv (up)+prep (for)]:~with a building society 把钱存在住房互助会里;She can't~on her present wages. 按她目前的工资,她不可能存钱。~(one's money) (up) for a house/to buy a new car 存钱买房子/新车;~five dollars a week 每周存款五美元;He has~d £300. 他已经存了300英镑。〖同〗 keep,deposit,accumulate;〖反〗 spend;

(3)储藏(存),保留(下)(keep for future usestore)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~the letters/the bills/the receipts 保留信件/账单/收据;The squirrel~d up acorns for the long winter. 松鼠储藏了橡树果作为漫长冬季的粮食。~sb a seat/a place/a room 给某人留个座位/地方/房间;~some meat (the dress) for sb/for tomorrow/for a special occasion 把一些肉(这件衣服)留给某人/到明天/到特殊场合吃(穿);~oneself/one's strength for tomorrow's hard work 保持体力/体力以便明天干重活;〖同〗store,reserve,hold,keep;〖反〗 use,spend;

(4)保护(全)(keep undamaged or complete)[T+n]:~one's eyes/one's voice 保护自己的眼睛/嗓音;~one's face/one's appearance/one's reputation 保全自己的面子/面子/名誉;〖同〗 guard,shield,protect;〖反〗 expose,risk;

(5)节约(省)(prevent or reduce the lossexpenditureor waste of)[I+prep (on),T+nD+n+n]:~(on) gas/electricity/fuel (with this new stove)(用这个新炉子)节省天然气/电/燃料;It will~time to make a list before going shopping. 买东西前列个购物单会省时间的。Making my own clothes~s me pounds/a lot of expense each month. 自己做衣服使我每月节省了许多钱/一大笔开销。〖同〗 spare,preserve;〖反〗 use,consume,waste;

(6)免(省)去(make unnecessary;avoid)[T+nT+ingD+n+n]:Frozen foods~a lot of trouble. 冷冻食品省了许多麻烦。Using the telephone~s (me) writing a letter/a lot of traveling. 使用电话免得(我)写信/跑许多路。

save one's breath 不必费口舌:S~your breath,your father won't let you stay outside until midnight. 说也没用,你父亲不会让你在外面待到半夜的。

save one's (own) hide/skin 救某人的命,帮某人的忙:A lady~d Tom's hide by taking him to the factory. 一位女士把汤姆送到工厂,这样就帮了他的大忙。

save the day(AmE)/save the situation(BrE)转危为安:The forest fire was nearly out of control when it rained heavily and~d the day (situation). 眼见森林大火就要控制不住了,突然下了一场大雨,使一切转危为安。

→ saver n 救助者;储蓄者,节省的人;廉价票;(用于复合结构)节约装置;′saving adj 挽救的;节约的;保留的;′savings n 储蓄金,存款





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