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单词 疲惫不堪

疲惫不堪pí bèi bù kān

be dog-tired;be in a state of utter exhaustion; be (utterly) exhausted; be washed out; be extremely tired
❍ 夜空漆黑,路灯给风一吹,有点摇摇晃晃,象是一个~的人想睡又不能睡,只好睁一眼闭一眼,发出昏暗的光芒。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—59) It was a pitchblack night and the street lights swayed slightly in the breeze like someone utterly exhausted and trying without success to get to sleep,their dim rays flickering like restless eyes.
❍ 战罢归来,群众自然~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—505) On returning home from the battle the masses were naturally very exhausted indeed.

疲惫不堪pí bèi bù kān

疲惫:疲乏;不堪:难以忍受。形容非常疲乏。worn to a frazzle, extremely tired, be dog-tired, worn-out, feel exhausted, bushed, exhausted, unusually tired out





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