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单词 疲于奔命

疲于奔命pí yú bēn mìng

be hard put to it to cope with the situation;be kept constantly on the run(/jump/trot); be tired out by too much running around; be weighed down with work; kept busy and worried to death; lead sb a (pretty) dance; run oneself haggard; run off one’s legs;wear oneself out(in a fruitless pursuit)
❍ 中国农民有很大的潜伏力,只要组织和指挥得当,能使日本军队一天忙碌二十四小时,使之~。(《毛泽东选集》413) The Chinese peasants have very great latent power; properly organized and directed,they can keep the Japanese army busy twenty-four hours a day and worry it to death.


be kept constantly on the run; be tired out by too much running around; be weighed down with work

疲于奔命pí yú bēn mìnɡ

疲:疲乏,劳累。因受命奔走而非常疲劳;忙于奔走应付,筋疲力尽。be kept constantly on the run, wear oneself out, be weighed down with work





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