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单词 疯疯癫癫

疯疯癫癫fēng fēng diān diān

act like a lunatic;be mentally deranged; be flighty (/crazy/frantic/hysterical/insane)
❍ 这和尚~说了些不经之谈,也没人理他。(《红楼梦》28) Of course,he was quite crazy,and no one took any notice of the things he said.
❍ 她便忍笑说道:“你好好儿的便见你,若是~的,他就不见你了。” (《红楼梦》1259) She suppressed her smile at Baoyu’s credulity and said: “She will see you if you act like a good boy,but if you should still act as if you were insane then she will refuse to see you.”/成天家~,说话人不懂,干的事人也不知。(《红楼梦》856) Baoyu carries on the whole time like a lunatic,talking in a way that no one understands,and what he gets up to goodness only knows.
❍ 凤姐见他这样,忙说: “妈妈走吧,别~的。” (《红楼梦》966) “Let’s go,nurse,”interposed Xifeng. “Stop this fooling.”/妈妈吃两口酒就~起来。(《红楼梦》966) A few cups of wine and you play the fool,nurse.

疯疯癫癫fēnɡ fēnɡ diān diān

指精神错乱。act like a lumatic, frenzy, flighty, crazy, act as one mad





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