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单词 sauce
sauce/sɔ:s/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(调味,酱)汁(liquid put on food to make it tasted good)[CU]:a~for fish 吃鱼的调味汁;We have cranberry~with turkey,egg~with fish,and many different~s with puddings. 我们有浇酸果汁的火鸡肉,有浇鸡蛋汁的鱼,还有许多浇不同酱汁的布丁。What~s go best with chicken? 用什么酱汁吃鸡最好?mint/tomato/apple~薄荷/蕃茄/苹果酱;soy/chilli~酱油/辣酱油;ice cream with hot chocolate~有热巧克力汁的冰激凌;make~做酱汁;Hunger is the best~.(prov) 饥不择食。a~bottle 调味汁瓶;

(2)莽撞,无礼(slightly rude or disrespectful remarksesp by a child to an adult)[U](infml):He had the~to tell me that I was too old. 他竟敢对我说我太老了。Don't come with any~! 不要无礼!That's enough of your~! 你太无礼了!

(3)烈性酒 (alcoholic drink)[Uthe~] (AmE)(infml):He has been off the~for half a year. 他已经半年没喝酒了。He began to hit the~after his wife left him. 自他妻子离开后,他开始酗酒。keep off the~不喝酒;

what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander(在某种情况下)适于此者就适于彼者:If he can do what he would like,then why can't I? What is~for the goose is~for the gander. 如果他想干什么就干什么,那么为什么我不能呢?一视同仁嘛!

→′saucy adj 冒失的,莽撞的;(衣服)时髦的,漂亮的;′saucily adv 冒失地,莽撞地;′sauciness n(衣服)时髦,漂亮;

vt 对……放肆(无礼)(be saucy to sb)[T+n](infml):How dare you~your parents? 你怎么敢对父母这么无礼?





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