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单词 疑神疑鬼

疑神疑鬼yí shén yí guǐ

be (even) afraid of one’s own shadow; be terribly suspicious; harbour all sorts of suspicions (about things and people);have doubts regarding all manner of things; imagine seeing ghosts everywhere
❍ 从此~,凡是《阿Q正传》中所骂的,都以为就是他的阴私;……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—159) After that he grew hypersensitive,imagining all his secrets were being attacked in Ah Q,…/雨点猛打在石岩上发出的声音,风吹折枯枝引起的响动,都使他们~,以为从他们背后,或者路旁的什么地方,突然跳出了志愿军的侦察兵。(杨佩瑾《剑》31) The pattering of rain on the rocks and the rustling of withered leaves made them suspicious and panic-stricken; they seemed to be expecting Volunteer scouts to jump into sight from behind or from somewhere on the side of the path.


be unreasonably suspicious;be even afraid of one’s own shadow

疑神疑鬼yí shén yí ɡuǐ

形容疑心非常重。be terribly suspicious, imagine all sorts of things, be full of doubts





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