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单词 畏首畏尾

畏首畏尾wèi shǒu wèi wěi

be apprehensive of one and all; be frightened all over; be full of misgivings; be over-cautious; chicken-hearted;excessively timid; faint-spirited; feel (/have)qualms about; have cold feet about; timorous;white livered
❍ 古人有言曰: “~,身其余几?” (《左传·文十七年》515) There is a saying of the ancients,“Fearing for its head and fearing for its tail,there is little of the body left not to fear for.”/肖队长寻思,这人原先胆子小,干啥也是脚踩两边船,斗争韩老六,~,不敢往前探。(周立波《暴风骤雨》437) Xiao mused.This man Liu had formerly been a coward,a fence-sitter. In the fight against the landlord Han Number Six,he had not dared to venture out.
❍ 他们既然自己没钱,将来号召缙绅输饷也轮不到他们头上,为何他们也~,不敢说话?(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—732) But since these men have no money to spare,even if the wealthy officials had to make a donation,they wouldn’t. So why are they so timid and unwilling to voice their opinions?/不要~,惧怕反动分子混进来。(《毛泽东选集》726) We should not be over-cautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.

畏首畏尾wei shou wei wei

be afraid of things ahead as well as behind


be afraid of things ahead as well as behind—be full of apprehensions(or misgivings)

畏首畏尾wèi shǒu wèi wěi

畏:害怕。前也怕,后也怕。形容胆小怕事,顾虑重重。be overcautious, timorous, filled with misgivings, have cold feel about





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