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单词 畏缩不前

畏缩不前畏葸不前wèi suō bù qián

balk;be afraid to advance; be deterred by fear (of danger);be too timid to go ahead; falter; hang back (like cowards); hesitate to press forward; hold back with fear; recoil in fear;show one’s white-feather (in face of setbacks)
❍ 有些同志认为合作化很困难,一定要出很多毛病,因此~,不敢推广合作化,……(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》48) So some comrades think that it is very difficult to achieve co-operative transformation and that a great number of errors are bound to occur,so they hold back and dare not push co-operative transformation.
❍ 不应该望到马克思列宁主义创始人那样伟大的革命家的思想和品质,认为高不可攀,就自暴自弃,~。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》) 10) He should not regard the thinking and qualities of such great revolutionaries as the founders of Marxism-Leninism as beyond his reach,give up and be afraid to advance.

畏缩不前wèi suō bù qián

畏惧退缩,停滞不前。hang back, draw back, falter, hang off, start back





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