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单词 畅行无阻

畅行无阻畅通无阻chàng xīng wú zǔ

advance(/pass/go ahead) unimpeded; drive (/go) straight without obstruction; have free access to; the line is clear (/open); proceed without hindrance
❍ 铲除这两方面的祸根,才能使党在团结全党同志和团结全国人民的伟大事业中~。(《毛泽东选集》 136) Only by uprooting this evil in both its aspects can the Party advance unimpeded in its great task of achieving unity among all Party comrades and among all the people of our country.
❍ 早等候在这里的日本军官,……他拿出了一件日本军大衣和军帽,把我迅速打扮了一下,然后和吉田一同陪我坐上一部日军司令部的军车。这部车在白河岸上~,一直开到一个码头。(爱新觉罗·溥仪 《我的前半生》 288)Here another Japanese officer was waiting and he produced a Japanese army greatcoat and cap which he put on me. He then accompanied me and the interpreter in a Japanese military car which drove straight to a dock on the bank of the Bai River without obstruction.


go unimpeded;without hindrance (or obstruction)
车辆~。The traffic proceeds without hindrance./政令~。The government decrees are carried out without obstruction.

畅行无阻行(通)chànɡ xínɡ wú zǔ

毫无阻碍地通过。pass unimpeded, have free access to, without let or hindrance, advance unimpeded





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