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❶ (无阻碍;不停滞) smooth;unimpeded: 流 ~ easy and smooth;fluent;
顺 ~ smooth;unhindered
❷ (痛快;尽情) free;uninhibited: ~ 饮 drink one's fill Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 曾 Chang Zeng
◆畅达 fluent;smooth;
畅快 free from inhibitions;carefree;
畅所欲言 speak one's mind freely [without reticence];air one's views freely;assert without any restraint;express one's opinions [views] freely;express oneself with zest and gusto;have one's say;say out one's say;say exactly as the mind dictates;speak freely [outright;without any inhibitions];speak one's piece;speak out freely;speak straight from one's heart;state one's views unreservedly;talk to one's heart's content;
畅谈 talk freely and to one's heart's content;speak glowingly of;
畅通 unimpeded;unblocked;
畅想 give free rein to one's imagination;pamper imagination;give the reins to one's thoughts;
畅销 sell well;be in great demand;have a ready market for products;be much in demand on the market;salability;sell like hot cakes;go like wildfire;
畅销海内外 sell well both at home and abroad;
畅销全国 sell well all the nation;
畅销书 the book selling well;the best seller;
畅销小说 the selling well novel; 畅行[通]无阻 can run in both directions unblocked [unimpeded];advance freely;pass unimpeded;go off without a hitch;meet no obstacle wherever one goes;have free access to;proceed without hindrance;
畅叙 chat [converse] cheerfully (usu. about old times);talk to one's heart's content;
畅饮 drink to heart's content;drink one's fill;
畅游 (畅快地游泳) have a good swim;(尽情游览) enjoy a sightseeing tour





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:49:02