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单词 画饼充饥

画饼充饥huà bǐng chōng jī

draw cakes to allay hunger—feed on illusions; satisfy one’s hunger on a crayoned cake; a pie in the sky
❍ 小焦说着,小王读着书,嘴上还咯咯的笑着说:“这叫~!”(梁斌《红旗谱》413)While Jiao was speaking,Wang went on reading.Now he chuckled and commented: “That’s called‘Drawing a cake to satisfy your hunger.’”/白秀英道:“官人今日儿一文也无,提甚三五两银子,正是教俺‘望梅止渴,~’。”(《水浒全传》641) Then Bai Xiuying said,“Sir,today you have nothing at all and how is it you talk of three or five ounces of silver? It is as though you made my mouth water to quench my thirst;it is as though you gave me the picture of a loaf and bade me be fed.”/真是一个~,撒尿照美的专家。(曲波《林海雪原》581) Hou was an expert at self-delusion. He could satisfyhis hunger on a crayoned cake. His face looked beautiful to him even when reflected in a puddle of piss.

画饼充饥hua bing chong ji

draw cakes to allay hunger—feed on illusions


draw a cake to satisfy one’s hunger;feed on illusions; console oneself with false hopes

画饼充饥huà bǐnɡ chōnɡ jī

画个大饼来解饿。比喻徒有虚名而无实惠,或比喻用空想来自我安慰。feed on illusions, satisfy one’s hunger with picture cakes, a pie in the sky, comfort oneself with imaginations





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