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单词 画虎类狗

画虎类狗画虎类犬;画虎不成反类犬;画虎不成反类狗;画虎不成huà hǔ lèi gǒu

try to draw a tiger and end up with the likeness of a dog—attempt sth over-ambitious and end in failure; fail to achieve what one set out to do
❍ 算了吧! 你这叫~。That’s enough! You’re attempting something too ambitious and will end in failure.
❍ 他的儿子也真不争气,终于~,被踢出官场。His son,having let him down,finally failed to achieve what he had set out to do,and was kicked out of official circles.
❍ 你们步侵略者的后尘,不可一世,但却~,真叫人笑掉大牙。You follow in the aggressors’footsteps,and are insufferably arrogant,but you’ve made a poor imitation so you are ridiculous enough to make people laugh their heads off.

画虎类狗huà hǔ lèi ɡǒu

类:似、像。水平不够,却要画猛虎,结果画成了狗的样子。比喻模仿力极差,好高鹜远,从事非力所能及的事情,终无成就,反而被人作为笑柄。make a poor imitation, attempt sth. over-ambitious and end in failure





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