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单词 画栋雕梁

画栋雕梁huà dòng diāo liáng

painted pillars and carved beams (of a magnificent building); the pillars are carved and the beams gilded
❍ 入门里,往前又进,到了三层门里,都是些~,明窗彩户。(《西游记》233) He walked through the door and proceeded further; when he passed through the third doorway,he saw carved beams with eaaborate ornaments and large windows brightly decorated.
❍ 长老连忙下马,见一座门楼,乃是垂莲象鼻,~。(《西游记》308) Quickly dismounting,the elder discovered that the towered entrance gate was decorated with carved lotus designs and looped slits in the woodwork:its pillars were carved and its beams gilded.

画栋雕梁hua dong diao liang

carved beams and painted rafters—a richly ornamented building





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