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单词 画地为牢

画地为牢划地为牢huà dì wéi láo

draw a circle on the ground to serve as a prison—restrict sb’s activities to a designated area or sphere; draw a circle on the ground to make a prison for oneself
❍ 少数人自己划个小圈子把自己圈起来,用中国的古话来说,就叫“~”。(《周恩来选集》上一327)And if a minority draw a circle around themselves and cut themselves off from everybody outside,they are,as the saying goes,“drawing a circle on the ground to make a prison for themselves.”/肖队长同意农会的意见,把韩家的人都划地为牢…… (周立波《暴风骤雨》171) Acting on the suggestion of the Peasants’ Association,Team Leader Xiao had all Han’s family put under house arrest.
❍ 得划地为牢,要不价,跟头年韩长脖似的,蹽大青顶子,也是麻烦。(周立波《暴风骤雨》274) Anyway,they should be watched,otherwise they may escape to the hills like long-neck Han did last year and cause a lot of trouble.

画地为牢hua di wei lao

draw a circle on the ground to serve as a prison—restrict sb.’s activities to a designated area or sphere

画地为牢画(划)huà dì wéi láo

在地上画个圈作为地牢。现多比喻严格限制活动范围,不得逾越。restrict sb.’s activities to a designated area or sphere





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