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单词 salute
salute/sǝ′lu:t/ nv [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)敬礼(意),致敬(action or gesture of respect for sb or sth as by raising the right hand to the foreheadby firing guns)[C]:the military/hand~军/举手礼;give a~敬礼;make some~s with the hand 举手致敬;fire/give a~(of 21 guns) in sb's honour 鸣/鸣礼炮(21响)向某人致敬;stand at (the)~立正敬礼;take the/return sb's~接受敬礼(还礼)/给某人还礼;acknowledge/answer the~s of the crowd 向人群答/答礼;S~to the people/China!向人民/中国致敬! 〖同〗salution,honour;

(2)招呼,示意礼(sign of greeting or recognitionas a bowwave or nod)[C]:wave one's hand as a friendly~友好地摆摆手打招呼;He waved to her and she returned the~. 他朝她摆手,她也和他打招呼。

in salute 打招呼,致意:He raised his hands in~to the crowd. 他举起双手向人群致意。 When Alex passed us he turned his head and smiled in~. 阿里克斯经过我们身边时,扭头微笑致意。

v(1)向……敬礼,致敬(make a formal gesture of respect for sb or sthas by raising the hand to the foreheadby firing guns)[IT+n]:~with eyes/the hand 行注目/举手礼;~the flag/the officer 向国旗/那位长官行礼;The general~d as the soldiers marched past. 当战士们雄纠纠地走过时,将军行礼致敬。

(2)向……表示敬意;颂扬;祝贺(pay respect to;praise;honour in a formal way)[T+nC+n+as]:~a person/the Queen by raising one's hat/firing twenty-one guns 举帽/鸣礼炮21响向某人(女王)致意;~sb's courage/gallantry 颂扬某人的勇气/勇敢;~the president on his birthday 祝贺总统的生日;~today as the beginning of a new era 祝贺今天为新时代的开始;〖同〗cheer,praise,honour,respect;

(3)打招呼(greet with a politerespectfulor friendly gesture)[T+n]:~sb heartily 亲切地同某人打招呼;~sb with a bow/smile/cheerful wave 鞠躬/微笑/高兴地摆手向某人打招呼;〖同〗address,greet,welcome;

→͵salu′tation n 问候,致意;寒暄;尊称





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