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❶ (男性) man; male: ~ 病房 men's ward; ~ 护士 male nurse; ~ 学生 boy student; ~ 佣人 manservant; ~ 主人公 hero
❷ (儿子) son; boy: 长 ~ one's eldest son; 没 ~ 没女 has neither sons nor daughters; 生 ~ 育女 give birth to children; have children; 生有一 ~ 二女 have a son and two daughters
❸ (封建五等爵位的第五等) baron
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 荣 Nan Rong
◆男扮女装 a man disguised in female attire; a man dressed like a woman; men dressed as women; 男傧相 paranymph; groomsman; best man in a wedding; 男不男, 女不女 neither fish, flesh nor fowl; 男才女貌 the man is able and the woman is beautiful; an ideal couple; 男厕所 men's lavatory; Gentlemen; Men; Gents; 男大当婚 A man should get married on coming of age.; A grown-up man ought to marry.; Every Jack shall have his Jill [Gill].; 男大当婚, 女大当嫁 Upon growing up, every male should take a wife and every female should take a husband.; A full-grown man takes a wife and full-grown girl wants a husband — that's only natural.; Men and women all must marry.; 男盗女娼 behave like thieves and prostitutes; a thief if a man and a whore if a woman; (behave like) desperadoes [robbers] and whores [prostitutes]; men as robbers and women as prostitutes; The males are robbers and the females harlots — to be out-and-out scoundrels.; 男低音 {音} bass; 男短袜 halfhose; 男儿 man; 男方 the bride ̄ groom's or husband's side; 男高音 {音} tenor; 男耕女织 men tilling the farm and women weaving; Men do farm work and women engage in spinning and weaving.; The men plough and the women weave.; 男孩 boy; 男婚女嫁 A man should take a wife and a woman should take a husband.; 男家 the bridegroom's or husband's family; 男爵 baron; 男角儿 actor; 男帽 kady; katy; cady; bonnet; 男男女女 men and women; 男女 men and women; 男女混杂 Men and women indiscriminately mingle together.; Both sexes mix.; 男女老少 people of all ages and both sexes; all people regardless of age and sex; men and women, old and young; 男女平等 Men and women are equal(s).; equality of men and women; equality between [of] the sexes; 男女授受不亲 It is improper for men and wowen to touch each other's hand in passing objects.; 男女有别 Between the sexes there should be a prudent reserve.; A distinction should be made between males and females.; Males and females should be treated differently.; 男配角 male supporting role; 男朋友 boyfriend; boy friend; 男人 man; menfolk; 男人 [口] husband; 男声 {音} male voice; 男生 man student; boy student; schoolboy; 男式 men's; 男性 the male sex; masculinity; man; 男性化 androphany; virilescence; virilism; virilize; 男性学 andrology; 男演员 actor; 男中音 {音} baritone; 男主角 leading man; male title role; chief actor; hero; 男装 men's clothing; 男子 man; male; 男子汉 man; 男尊女卑 think that women are inferior to men; Males are supposed to be worth more than the other sex.; (the view that) men are superior to women; Men enjoy higher status than women.





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