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单词 sacrifice
sacrifice/′sækrɪfaɪs/ n [-s / ɪz/];v[-s / ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)祭祀(品)(act of offering sth to a god;thing that is offered in this way)[CU][N(to)]:the~of two bullocks/an ox to the god of war 向战神祭献两头阉牛/一头牛;kill/offer a pig as a~(to God) 杀/献上一头猪作为祭品(献给上帝);The pagans/priests made~s to their God. 那些异教徒/牧师们举行祭祀活动祭奠他们的上帝。offer a lamb in~在祭祀中献上一只羊羔;〖同〗offering;

(2)牺牲(品)(act of giving up some valuable thing or benefit for the sake of sth more important or valuable;thing or benefit given up in this way)[CU]:make~s/a~for sb 为某人作出牺牲;demand/be worth the~(of sb's health/sb's benefit/sb's comfort/sb's principles)需要/值得牺牲(某人的健康/利益/舒适的生活/原则);ask the~of sb 让某人作出牺牲;He disapproves of any~of studies to sport. 他不同意放弃学习去搞体育。〖同〗surrender;

sell at a sacrifice 贱卖,削价出售:She sold her car at a~because she needed money. 因需要钱,她把汽车很便宜地卖了。

v(1)祭祀(offer sth as a sacrifice)[I+prep(to),T+nT+n+prep (to)]:~to God in the temple 在神殿祭祀上帝;~oxen/lambs/goats (to a god)用牛/羊羔/山羊祭祀(神);〖同〗offer up;

(2)牺牲(give up sth valuable or important for the sake of sth or sb else as a sacrifice)[T+nT+n+prep (to)]:~oneself/the interests of Britain/one's freedom of choice/one's marriage 牺牲自己/英国的利益/自己的选择自由/婚姻;~a great deal for a course/one's life for the children 为事业牺牲了许多/为那些孩子牺牲了自己的生命;~one's career to marry sb/much to send the children to university 牺牲自己的事业和某人结婚/许多送孩子们上大学;~one's life trying to save the children from the burning house为把孩子们从着火的房子里救出来而牺牲了自己的生命;~one's own career/one's own comfort to another's work 为另一个人的工作牺牲自己的事业/舒适生活;〖同〗give up,surrender;

(3)贱卖(sell at a loss)[IT+n]:He was forced to~his house/his car. 他被迫便宜地卖掉了他的房子/汽车。

→͵sacri′ficial adj 供奉的,祭祀的;牺牲的;͵sacri′ficially adv 供奉地,祭祀地;牺牲地





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